Picture Gallery

  • Visit to Army War College, Abuja Nigeria

    Visit to Army War College, Abuja Nigeria

    An introduction meeting between WISER and the Army War College of Nigeria on the upcoming WISER-OSIWA project on Improving Understanding of the Intersection of National Security and the Civic Space. This project is aimed at bridging the gap between the Nigerian State (military, ministries and other government parties who have an influence on the Civil Society) and the civil society in terms of National security. .

  • Visit to the Police Force Headquarters

    Visit to the Police Force Headquarters

    The meeting served as an introduction between WISER and the The Police Force (represented by the Force PRO) on the upcoming WISER-OSIWA project on Improving Understanding of the Intersection of National Security and the Civic Space. This project is aimed at bridging the gap between the Nigerian State (military, ministries and other government parties who have an influence on the Civil Society) and the civil society in terms of National security.
  • A visit to the Army Resource Centre.

    A visit to the Army Resource Centre.

    An introductory meeting with the DG and Management team of the Army Resource Centre which was held on at 12:00 noon on February 16, 2020 at the Nigerian Army Resource Centre, Abuja.

  • Visit to The National Human Rights Institute

    Visit to The National Human Rights Institute

    An introductory meeting with the Director of the National Human Rights Institute (NHRI) which was held at 1:30pm on February 16, 2020 at the Human Rights Institute office, Abuja. The National Human Rights Institute is a subsidiary of the National Human Rights Commission. It is focused trainings, research, seminars .

  • Meeting with The CSOs

    Meeting with The CSOs

    The CSO meeting with WISER.

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